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FREE Breast Cancer Awareness Acrylic Painting Picture for You To create your own items with, Which I Give You Permission To Modify 🙂 At the bottom of the post!
Breast Cancer Awareness started in a major organized week long event back in 1985, and since then it’s been a beacon of hope for millions of woman who are battling this silent killer or know someone who is.
Let’s paint some LOVE, and ENCOURAGEMENT! Post your story, or word of encouragement to others battling in the comments please!
I’m doing my part by sharing here some things that I strongly hold to in the face of any type of illness, or disease.
This is one of the most magical, power packed cures you can ever give yourself or someone who you love. It has a name, it’s been around since the beginning of time. Jesus speaks of it on several occassions. Multi-millionaire men and woman in the business world harness it’s power and say it is one of the foundational corner stones of their success.
Many who have been told they’ll be in a wheelchair for life, or have an illness they’ll have to live with, have come against doctors against all odds using this one thing to overcome, and shock the world with complete healing.
Do you know what it is? People talk about it all the time, but don’t actually DO it. Here it is, I’m sure you’ve heard of it, but don’t now it’s true power.

It is the power of positivity, belief and desire… these all can be lumped into one, because if you desire something so badly you’re willing to do anything to get it, and you believe you’ll have it you can simply say you have a burning desire for something.
I’m going to be brutal honest with y’all. Although Breast Cancer Awareness has great intents, it still contains the word “Cancer” and if you surround yourself with these types of words, literature, and people that talk about it, it’s like putting a magnet out to get it. Instead it should be something like Vibrant Health Day… which would focus on positive things, overcoming illness and such without the negative vibes from bad words.
Enough said on the subject. There are a ton of natural remedies and alternative ways of dealing with breast cancer. Please always get a second opinion if you’ve been diagnosed with this horrible problem, and then make your own action plan that you can wholeheartedly agree with and follow to conquer it.
I’ve created a design that has no wording on it so it can be more positive than negative. The awareness ribbon is the base form of a flowing spring dress, with the outline of a healthy woman with her hair up in a bouncy pony tail. These are all positive points. I hope you enjoy my design.
You can find the items below in the store here.

I wasn’t planning on including this here but I will because I think it’s fitting. The below video is eye opening to how much radiation we’re subject to all the time in our own homes without even knowing it! Below the video I’ll put some links to products that absorb a significant amount of this radiation to provide a safer family environment.
You never knew how much RADIATION is coming out of your 5G Mobile Phone, watch the video below to see what we discovered using an acoustimeter.
You can find Radiation blockers for your wifi routers, mobile phones, special anti radiation canopies for your beds when you sleep and even clothing!
Anti Radiation Products in the UK HERE
Anti Radiation Products in the USA HERE
Anti radiation products also protect you from your neighbors radiation or radiation from anywhere else…
I was shocked when I took my acoustimeter onto the streets of London and realized how much radiation I was being zapped with when I wasn’t even carrying a phone or anything else electrical!
Below is the Acrylic picture I promised you all could have, use and share and modify! It’s an original acrylic painting by myself, however can I ask you to PLEASE share this page!
One picture is the original and the other is modified to a transparent background, you can use either or both!

Your welcome to use this design for your own creations, however please kindly link back to my website if you’re publishing it where a link can be added!