The Most Banned Books List (in American Public Schools)

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Perhaps the most outlawed and interesting are the first 3 listed.

The Giver (Lois Lowry)

The Animal Farm (George Orwell)

Animal Farm Full Movie Below

1984 (Yes that’s actually the title, just the year) George Orwell

Why are these so interesting you may ask. Because what is outlined in many of these books are how Communism hides itself in something that looks good, then when it takes hold the divides the population deeply while a very few rise to unstoppable power and others are suppress for speaking their minds.

These books outline what the entire globe is grabbling with right now in the wake of the 2019 pandemic. The more eye’s read these books the more eye’s understand what’s REALLY happening.

The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald

The Catcher in the Rye, by JD Salinger

The Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck

To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee

The Color Purple, by Alice Walker

Ulysses, by James Joyce

Beloved, by Toni Morrison

The Lord of the Flies, by William Golding

Lolita, by Vladimir Nabokov

Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck

Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley

The Sun Also Rises, by Ernest Hemingway

As I Lay Dying, by William Faulkner

A Farewell to Arms, by Ernest Hemingway

Their Eyes Were Watching God, by Zora Neale Hurston

Invisible Man, by Ralph Ellison

Song of Solomon, by Toni Morrison

Gone with the Wind, by Margaret Mitchell

Native Son, by Richard Wright

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, by Ken Kesey

Slaughterhouse Five, by Kurt Vonnegut

For Whom the Bell Tolls, by Ernest Hemingway

The Call of the Wild, by Jack London

Go Tell It on the Mountain, by James Baldwin

All the King’s Men, by Robert Penn Warren

The Lord of the Rings, by J.R.R. Tolkien

The Jungle, by Upton Sinclair

Lady Chatterley’s Lover, by D.H. Lawrence

A Clockwork Orange, by Anthony Burgess

The Awakening, by Kate Chopin

In Cold Blood, by Truman Capote

Sons and Lovers, by D.H. Lawrence

Cat’s Cradle, by Kurt Vonnegut

A Separate Peace, by John Knowles

Naked Lunch, by William S. Burroughs

Brideshead Revisited, by Evelyn Waugh

Women in Love, by DH Lawrence

The Naked and the Dead, by Norman Mailer

Tropic of Cancer, by Henry Miller

An American Tragedy, by Theodore Dreiser

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