magnet laundry system

Ultimate Secret to Getting Clean Laundry WITHOUT Using Soap

Laundry Washing Magnets….. Sounds a bit weird.  Yes I’ve heard that many times and I was one of those sceptics once…

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Is the hype true, that magnets can do just as good as soap when it comes to washing your laundry?

First I’ll tell you a story about how my Aunt who was into all sorts of interesting and “crazy” things back in the 1990’s introduced me to magnets for things other than putting decorations on your fridge.  One of the things she was using them for was to do her laundry.  You can imagine as one eyebrow went up on my face I thought that was a little bit to far out to accept as actually working.

magnet laundry system

The Ultimate Simple Water Test

She laughed at my reaction and pulled me over to the counter where she had a jug of water sitting on magnets, then she took glass and filled it with tap water, set it beside the jug of magnet water and grabbed a flannel shirt.

Dipping one finger in magnet water and one finger in the tap water she let one drip from each finger fall onto the folded shirt.  I watched as the magnet water droplet instantly soaked into the flannel shirt, and the tap water droplet sat on top of the flannel then slowly soaked in.

diy laundry soap, ohhio, becozi, arm knitting, hand knitting

My Aunt explained that there was nothing magical about laundry detergent as it simply makes the water wetter by making the water molecules more evenly spread instead of clustered together so they could clean, and that magnets do exactly the same thing, but are chemical free, Hurray!

She added that detergents have LOTS of fragrance added, and if she wanted her own clothes to smell fresh instead of like nothing at all she added 3 drops of lavender oil to each load of laundry.  Simple.

ohhio, becozi, arm knitting, hand knitting

The Evidence Didn’t Lie

Needless to say I was a believer after that and have used magnets in my laundry ever since, however the magnets I used weren’t strong so I had to have quite a few of them around the washing machine drum.

Nowadays  you can buy Laundry magnets that have been nicely coated with thick plastic so they don’t scratch your machine or clothes and have  a 50 year money back guarantee.

Need a more in depth explanation of how it really works?  These gals explain it way better than me. 

You can find Laundry Magnets HERE

The Benefits of Magnets for Laundry

  • No Chemicals
  • Saves you money
  • Can be reused
  • Leaves clothes clean and scent free
  • Eco-Friendly
  • Allergies and asthma often start disappearing within weeks of using magnets

I hope you enjoyed my story, if you found this tid bit of info helpful or have any questions about more of my magnetic experiences I’d love to hear from you in the comments.

Be Inspired,
