The “Good and Beautiful” Math Curriculum Samples
Full of colors, beauty and jaw dropping art, and a non-denomination Christian worldview, The “Good and Beautiful” approaches Mathematics with a spiral technique as opposed to a mastery technique. Most sample pages have between 70 to 170 pages so there’s PLENTY to get a feel for their curriculum.
With each curriculum download you’ll get plenty of pages to see how beautiful the full textbook will be.
FULL pdf file textbooks can be downloaded for free from their website here. You’ll need to enter your email to access the download.
Click any picture to go to the SAMPLE download page.
Smart Start Mathematics
This curriculum is very visual packed full of colors, charts and explanation on almost every page. It’s a very “self-taught” type of curriculum where you can leave your child too it. Most books are between 500 and 800 pages and cover an array of topics.
Plain Not So Plain Curriculum
Amy has done a great job putting together her own curriculum that boasts absolute simplicity. Her philosophy is to cut all the complexity out of education and focus on reading, writing and arithmetic, and that’s exactly what she’s done.
Her curriculum pages are gentle and easy to complete, with a basic black and white format so you won’t waste money on colored ink.
If you prefer to buy her paperback courses for each grade you can do that here. Also be sure to check out her website here.
You can also find the MATH answer key for 9th grade here. AND the Part 2 of 2nd grade Math here.